Adult Learning


London Vocational College


Functional Skills qualifications enable learners to gain confidence in using mathematics. The qualifications provide a foundation for learners to progress into employment or further technical education and develop skills for everyday life. They can use these skills to solve mathematical problems. Learners will show a sound grasp of the basic and underpinning maths skills for each level and apply mathematical thinking to solve simple problems in familiar situations.

Functional skills qualifications are recommended for learners over the age of 14. The qualification is suitable for delivery in a wide range of learning environments and can be taken as a stand-alone qualification or as part of a wider programme of study such as an apprenticeship. 

Learners undertaking an apprenticeship will need to successfully complete functional skills as part of their programme alongside their standard or prove their exemption.

How long will it take to achieve this qualification?

This qualification can be achieved using a variety of teaching and learning methods including classroom-based delivery, distance or online learning and embedded learning, as long as the recommended learning hours are completed. 

The GLH for this qualification is 55 hours; however, teaching time depends largely on the mode of delivery and the individual learner’s needs.

Our Current Programme offer is:

Mathematics – Entry level 1,2 and 3

Level: Entry Levels – 1, 2 and 3

Entry Level

    • Function Skills in Maths at Entry Level 1 / Entry Level 2 / Entry Level 3
    • Guided Learning Hours: 55
    • Internally assessed

How is the qualification assessed?

To pass this qualification, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the skill standards for the qualification.

This qualification assesses the following three interrelated process skills:

    • Representing – Selecting the mathematics and information to model a situation
    • Analysing – processing and using mathematics
    • Interpreting – Interpreting and communicating the results of the analysis

Learners must complete a written examination that is internally assessed. Learners are permitted to use calculators in the assessment. The assessment time is 1 hour. 

Application Process

Applications for vacancies are completed by filling in the application form and sending the form to  this email: [email protected].

All applicants will need a pre-assessment or interview, review of prior qualifications and experience for suitability of the role.

Apply Here

Mathematics – Level 1 & 2

Level 1 and 2

  • Functional Skills in maths at Level 1 and 2
  • Guided Learning Hours: 55
  • Externally assessed

How is the qualification assessed?

This qualification consists of one mandatory component.  Learners must complete one written examination that is set, marked and moderated by the awarding body. The duration of the examination is 2 hours.

The assessment will test a learner’s representing, analysing and interpreting skills using numbers (including algebra), geometry and statistics in functional contexts. The learners must answer a series of questions based on purposeful scenarios and all questions must be completed.

Application Process

Applications for vacancies are completed by filling in the application form and sending the form to  this email: [email protected].

All applicants will need a pre-assessment or interview, review of prior qualifications and experience for suitability of the role.

Apply Here

Important Information

Entry Requirements

While there are specific requirements for each course in general the basic requirements for a programme is:

  • Currently, live in England    
  • Resident in the UK with a visa for the duration of the course  
  • Must be aged 18+    

More specific requirements if any will be discussed with you when you contact us.

Delivery Model And Duration

All programmes will be delivered using one of the following methods:

  • Face to face in a classroom
  • Online using MS Teams
  • Blended – a combination of face to face and online

The duration of programmes will also vary based on their level and type.  Typical durations are:

  • 0 to 6 months

The nature of the assessment will vary based on the course you are doing and the level. In the main the methods of assessment will be:

  • Examinations 

Our programmes are designed to support learners to the next step.  As a result, we are working hard with you to get you to either:

  • A job
  • An apprenticeship
  • A higher level programme

If you are already in work, we would like to see you progress by:

  • A promotion
  • A salary increases
  • A new job